hello bloggers !
kali ini quotes gua bertema tentang ' LOVE '
cekidot :*
1. I love how I am loved by the person I love
2. Love can comes by accident, but stays on purpose
3. I love it when my phone rings and see it's you who calls
4. Love is the person I call to say goodnight before I go to bed
5. Love is not always complicated, if you know how to love, trust, & care
6. Love is a thing that is full of cares and fears
7. If you want to be loved, be lovable
8. One must learn to love oneself before one can learn to love others
9. Love, it's not just 'I'm here' but 'I'll never leave you'
10. Love : it's the hardest habit to break and the craving most difficult to satisfy
see you in another quotes lols :*
hello world ! welcome to my blog ! here i'm not just writting , but i'll share what i feel with you . happy , sad , or forlorn . sharing everything is the best ! i have stories , songs , links , pictures , ideas , dreams , my fantasy , interests , and quotes - what i feel rite now . ok then . so , enjoy reading ! i'll write some interesting news , ideas , and everything to share with you ! if you like , you can follow my blog . with love , Adra-
Jumat, 26 November 2010
Boom Boom Shake Shake
" November Is Suck But In A Funny Way, I Like It "
Sabtu, selalu tampak menyenangkan bagi gua. yah tidak ada hari lain selega harisabtu. yang artinya gua punya waktu dua hari istirahat dan hari ini gua gak perlu tidur terlalu cepat dan besoknya bangun terlalu pagi.
hari ini akhirnya, entah gua harus mengucap syukur gimana caranya, pokoknya akhirnya gua bisa pelajaran fisika "GLBB"
what a miracle ! gila, gua rasanya ingin jingkrak jingkrik jingkruk--whatever--di mana aja untuk mengekspresikan kebahagiaan gua. walaupun begitu, sebenernya kita semua sama-sama tau kalo walaupun udah bisa, gua pasti gagal dalam ulangan ulang fisika gua. entah kenapa gua udah pesimis duluan. mengingat kejadian bab sebelomnya "vektor" yang udah antusias banget udah bisa pelajarannya, tiba2 waktu ulangan ulangnya, gua gagal seperti biasa. yeah I know Im such a loser..
besok finally refreshing. yah gua bareng temen2 gila sinting kudisan panuan epilepsi gua akan pergi makan ke " sense " or maybe it called " sens " or maybe " senz " or maybe " sense " or maybe " sensz " , well idk how to spell it, jadi pokoknya bacanya itu sens . whatever ( ketularan si mik gila )
dan gua sumpah langsung laper cuma dengan mengetik kata2 itu aja. udah lama gak makan banyak dan finally besok gua makan banyak. dan kabar baiknya lagi akhirnya gua keluar dari rumah dan jalan2. yohooooo !
dan kabar baiknya lagi, finally skyline is out bebeh !
yah gua harus kudu mesti keharusan dan penting tentu saja harus nonton tuh film. dan bagaimana filmnya nanti? akan gua bikin review nya di blog ini, mungkin.
thanks guys kalo ada yang baca ni post. im crazy wohooooo !
Sabtu, selalu tampak menyenangkan bagi gua. yah tidak ada hari lain selega harisabtu. yang artinya gua punya waktu dua hari istirahat dan hari ini gua gak perlu tidur terlalu cepat dan besoknya bangun terlalu pagi.
hari ini akhirnya, entah gua harus mengucap syukur gimana caranya, pokoknya akhirnya gua bisa pelajaran fisika "GLBB"
what a miracle ! gila, gua rasanya ingin jingkrak jingkrik jingkruk--whatever--di mana aja untuk mengekspresikan kebahagiaan gua. walaupun begitu, sebenernya kita semua sama-sama tau kalo walaupun udah bisa, gua pasti gagal dalam ulangan ulang fisika gua. entah kenapa gua udah pesimis duluan. mengingat kejadian bab sebelomnya "vektor" yang udah antusias banget udah bisa pelajarannya, tiba2 waktu ulangan ulangnya, gua gagal seperti biasa. yeah I know Im such a loser..
besok finally refreshing. yah gua bareng temen2 gila sinting kudisan panuan epilepsi gua akan pergi makan ke " sense " or maybe it called " sens " or maybe " senz " or maybe " sense " or maybe " sensz " , well idk how to spell it, jadi pokoknya bacanya itu sens . whatever ( ketularan si mik gila )
dan gua sumpah langsung laper cuma dengan mengetik kata2 itu aja. udah lama gak makan banyak dan finally besok gua makan banyak. dan kabar baiknya lagi akhirnya gua keluar dari rumah dan jalan2. yohooooo !
dan kabar baiknya lagi, finally skyline is out bebeh !
yah gua harus kudu mesti keharusan dan penting tentu saja harus nonton tuh film. dan bagaimana filmnya nanti? akan gua bikin review nya di blog ini, mungkin.
thanks guys kalo ada yang baca ni post. im crazy wohooooo !
sick to feel it , again !
tau ga rasanya patah hati ?? :p
tau ga rasanya putus cinta ??
gue gatau , makanya gue nanya wkwk .
gue kan ga pernah jatuh cinta , gue cuman sering nya suka-sukaan dan pacaran gak bener kayak anak SD
haduhh jangan2 bener kata temen2 , gue masih anak kecil :/
haduh gue bener2 pengen cepet dewasa tau ga ..
banyak banget hal" yang belom gue alamin , secara mental maupun fisik :/
u know sebenernya gue emang belom pernah ngerasain apa yg namanya cintaa (jijik gue nulisnya wkwk) , tapi kenapa hati gue rasanya ga enak ya kalo ngeliat dia sama orang lain deket banget . padahal gue bukan siapa2nya . sampe2 gue kadang hanpir lupa sama sdoara gue si Justin Bieber itu kalo gue lagi ngeliat dia . haduhh apa coba ini --a
gue berharap sih ga berlebihan . wkwk
hufhh .
gue benci banget saat" kayak gini , saat2 gue ga tau apa yang mau gue tulis di blog .
dan pas gue tau apa yang gue mau tulis , gue mulai mikir 2x apakah gue akan menuliskan hal itu disini ? di blog ini ?
damn im stuck LOL
ngomong2 , youth camp tinggal 2 hari lagi dan gue belom persiapan apa" . hebat banget ya gua ?
gatau deh , gue agak pesimis namun optimis juga sama acara ini --a
satu sisi gue takut acaranya bikin mood gue ga enak
satu sisi gue takut ada beberapa org tiba2 bikin mood gw ga enak
satu sisi gue takut suatu kejadian mengingatkan gue akan hal2 lampau yg pernah terjadi yang mungkin menyedihkan atau menyakitkan ..
gosh gue rasa gue perlu terapi nih .
gue mulai terserang ,, enggg , apa tuh namanya ?
fobia ? LOL fobia masa lalu yang menyedihkan (penyakit yang aneh)
ya gue takut aja , gatau kenapa
padahal ga ada setan yang nakut2tin , tapi gue takut --a
takut sama waktu yang berlalu .
huahh gue mulai bingung --a
gue gamau suka sama orang lagi sejak kejadian 1 taon yang lalu !
gw kapok ! dan sekarang ?
gw terjerumus lagi ke bahan yang lebih bahaya dari narkoba .
its called 'crush' ..
aduh aduh --a
gue harap seseorang bisa memberikan gue sugesti supaya hati gue tertutup untuk 5 tahun kedepan ..
harapan yang aneh tapi sebenernya gue sungguh2 sama harapan itu
tau ga rasanya putus cinta ??
gue gatau , makanya gue nanya wkwk .
gue kan ga pernah jatuh cinta , gue cuman sering nya suka-sukaan dan pacaran gak bener kayak anak SD
haduhh jangan2 bener kata temen2 , gue masih anak kecil :/
haduh gue bener2 pengen cepet dewasa tau ga ..
banyak banget hal" yang belom gue alamin , secara mental maupun fisik :/
u know sebenernya gue emang belom pernah ngerasain apa yg namanya cintaa (jijik gue nulisnya wkwk) , tapi kenapa hati gue rasanya ga enak ya kalo ngeliat dia sama orang lain deket banget . padahal gue bukan siapa2nya . sampe2 gue kadang hanpir lupa sama sdoara gue si Justin Bieber itu kalo gue lagi ngeliat dia . haduhh apa coba ini --a
gue berharap sih ga berlebihan . wkwk
hufhh .
gue benci banget saat" kayak gini , saat2 gue ga tau apa yang mau gue tulis di blog .
dan pas gue tau apa yang gue mau tulis , gue mulai mikir 2x apakah gue akan menuliskan hal itu disini ? di blog ini ?
damn im stuck LOL
ngomong2 , youth camp tinggal 2 hari lagi dan gue belom persiapan apa" . hebat banget ya gua ?
gatau deh , gue agak pesimis namun optimis juga sama acara ini --a
satu sisi gue takut acaranya bikin mood gue ga enak
satu sisi gue takut ada beberapa org tiba2 bikin mood gw ga enak
satu sisi gue takut suatu kejadian mengingatkan gue akan hal2 lampau yg pernah terjadi yang mungkin menyedihkan atau menyakitkan ..
gosh gue rasa gue perlu terapi nih .
gue mulai terserang ,, enggg , apa tuh namanya ?
fobia ? LOL fobia masa lalu yang menyedihkan (penyakit yang aneh)
ya gue takut aja , gatau kenapa
padahal ga ada setan yang nakut2tin , tapi gue takut --a
takut sama waktu yang berlalu .
huahh gue mulai bingung --a
gue gamau suka sama orang lagi sejak kejadian 1 taon yang lalu !
gw kapok ! dan sekarang ?
gw terjerumus lagi ke bahan yang lebih bahaya dari narkoba .
its called 'crush' ..
aduh aduh --a
gue harap seseorang bisa memberikan gue sugesti supaya hati gue tertutup untuk 5 tahun kedepan ..
harapan yang aneh tapi sebenernya gue sungguh2 sama harapan itu
bicara .
satu-satunya cara agar orang lain ngerti gimana kita , apa maunya kita .
bicara ga harus dari mulut , tapi bisa gerakan , juga dari mata (pandangan) .
sama kayak cinta . kalo ga ada yg bicara , gimana bisa saling mencintai ?
yah walaupun gue belom pernah ngerasain dan belom ngerti (maklum masih sekia) , tapi gue cukup dapet pengalaman dari orang2 di sekitar gw .
ngomong2 , gw sedikit bingung .
ada yang bilang kalo cinta itu jangan di pendem , harus diungkapin , harus dibilang .
tapi kalo misalnya kita tau akhirnya akan sakit , mendingan ga usah dibilang kan ?
tapi kita juga harus jujur sama perasaan sendiri :/
jujur sih , gue suka membohongi perasaan sendiri .
gue gamau over PD , ke PDan . gue gamau orang nganggep gue freak dan gue gamau kalo akhirnya gue yg sakit sendiri .
yes i know seharusnya kita sekolah dulu yg bener , ngapai coba pacar2ran .
lagian gue juga mau sekolah dan cari duit yang bener dulu kok --a
tapi kan namanya juga anak muda , padti lah ada naluri suka2an dan itu alami .
dan kalo misal kita suka A . tapi karna kita ga bilang , jadinya A sama B . sakit kan pasti ?
hmm . mending kalo si A juga ternyata ada feel sama kita . kalo ternyata kitanya yg ke GR an ?
hayoo ? pusing dah gua --a
satu-satunya cara agar orang lain ngerti gimana kita , apa maunya kita .
bicara ga harus dari mulut , tapi bisa gerakan , juga dari mata (pandangan) .
sama kayak cinta . kalo ga ada yg bicara , gimana bisa saling mencintai ?
yah walaupun gue belom pernah ngerasain dan belom ngerti (maklum masih sekia) , tapi gue cukup dapet pengalaman dari orang2 di sekitar gw .
ngomong2 , gw sedikit bingung .
ada yang bilang kalo cinta itu jangan di pendem , harus diungkapin , harus dibilang .
tapi kalo misalnya kita tau akhirnya akan sakit , mendingan ga usah dibilang kan ?
tapi kita juga harus jujur sama perasaan sendiri :/
jujur sih , gue suka membohongi perasaan sendiri .
gue gamau over PD , ke PDan . gue gamau orang nganggep gue freak dan gue gamau kalo akhirnya gue yg sakit sendiri .
yes i know seharusnya kita sekolah dulu yg bener , ngapai coba pacar2ran .
lagian gue juga mau sekolah dan cari duit yang bener dulu kok --a
tapi kan namanya juga anak muda , padti lah ada naluri suka2an dan itu alami .
dan kalo misal kita suka A . tapi karna kita ga bilang , jadinya A sama B . sakit kan pasti ?
hmm . mending kalo si A juga ternyata ada feel sama kita . kalo ternyata kitanya yg ke GR an ?
hayoo ? pusing dah gua --a
haduh jadi remaja emang banyak konsekuensi juga ya -.-"
haha ...
gue bener2 bingung --a
pencerahan please !!
oh God, gue gak tau mau cerita ke siapa, gue cerita ke blog ajah deh!
walaupun dia gak bisa kasih gue solusi, entah gue nyaman cerita disini lol
im free now, gue bebas dari final test akhirnya!
seneng, lega, puas lah rasanya
tapi entah kenapa setiap gue liat nilai yang dibagi, itu bikin gue teranat sakit hati!
yah, gue udah belajar, gue bangun setiap pagi buat belajar lagi yahh walaupun sistem kebut semalam tapi itu gak membuahkan hasil sama sekali
honestly, gue down banget!
gue nangis liat nilai temen gue yang mungkin lebih bagus dari gue. dan gue terlalu cengeng buat nangisin kebodohan yang gue buat sendiri.
mungkin 1 faktor yang bikin gue down adalah gue gak bisa dapetin apa yg gue mau kalo nilai gue ancur seperti ini!
dan memang sepertinya gak akan dapet!
dan gue akan berusaha buang tuh mimpi gue jauh-jauh daripada gue punya harapan yang kosong
dan sekarang gue lagi amat bermasalah sama ade gue yang kelakuan nya seperti ' binatang liar '
yang suka bikin gue sakit, yang suka bikin gue nangis, yang suka bikin gue rasanya mau kabur dari rumah!
kenapa dan kenapa? gue bertanya kenapa dia seperti itu, coba kalo ada bokap gue!
gue yakin 100000% dia gak akan berani kea gini
dan gue berpikir, mungkin itu faktor nya, mungkin dia berani semenjak bapak gue gak ada
setiap dia mulai perang sama gue, gue selalu diem.
oh God, help me!
gak tau kenapa hari -hari ini rasanya gue down banget, rasanya gue pengen nangis setiap hari!
" How can I stop crying when the only one that can make me stop, the one is who made me start? "
gua suka banget sama nih quotes, why? karena ini emang nyata! that's the FACT !
bener banget di bilang gimana bisa kita berhenti menangis, bila yang buat kita menangis adalah yg memulai !
haha, malah terkadang orang itu yg bilang " udah, jangan nangis lagi " sadarkah mereka ? kalo dia orang yg udah buat kita nangis ? ckck -.-
" Sometimes I smile just to keep back the tears "
gua juga setuju sama nih quotes, soalnya gua terkadang senyum karena buat menyembunyikan air mata gua! haha
karena gua gak mau dilihat orang jadi orang yang cengeng! walaupun kadang gua suka gak bisa tahan air mata hihi
" To accept your faults and be responsible for them, is a step to become matured "
yang ini juga setuju, karena kalo kita mau nerima kesalahan diri sendiri itu akan jadi langkah kita buat jadi dewasa :) tapi nyata nya kita suka banget melempar kesalahan, gak mau ngaku kalo itu kesalahan kita -.- ya kan? lol
" Don't ever waste your tears for someone who can easily let go of you "
kalo yang ini, gimana yaa?
hmm, yah gua cuma mau bilang jangan buang air mata lo buat orang yg bikin lo sakit, its useless ! lol :)
walaupun dia gak bisa kasih gue solusi, entah gue nyaman cerita disini lol
im free now, gue bebas dari final test akhirnya!
seneng, lega, puas lah rasanya
tapi entah kenapa setiap gue liat nilai yang dibagi, itu bikin gue teranat sakit hati!
yah, gue udah belajar, gue bangun setiap pagi buat belajar lagi yahh walaupun sistem kebut semalam tapi itu gak membuahkan hasil sama sekali
honestly, gue down banget!
gue nangis liat nilai temen gue yang mungkin lebih bagus dari gue. dan gue terlalu cengeng buat nangisin kebodohan yang gue buat sendiri.
mungkin 1 faktor yang bikin gue down adalah gue gak bisa dapetin apa yg gue mau kalo nilai gue ancur seperti ini!
dan memang sepertinya gak akan dapet!
dan gue akan berusaha buang tuh mimpi gue jauh-jauh daripada gue punya harapan yang kosong
dan sekarang gue lagi amat bermasalah sama ade gue yang kelakuan nya seperti ' binatang liar '
yang suka bikin gue sakit, yang suka bikin gue nangis, yang suka bikin gue rasanya mau kabur dari rumah!
kenapa dan kenapa? gue bertanya kenapa dia seperti itu, coba kalo ada bokap gue!
gue yakin 100000% dia gak akan berani kea gini
dan gue berpikir, mungkin itu faktor nya, mungkin dia berani semenjak bapak gue gak ada
setiap dia mulai perang sama gue, gue selalu diem.
oh God, help me!
gak tau kenapa hari -hari ini rasanya gue down banget, rasanya gue pengen nangis setiap hari!
" How can I stop crying when the only one that can make me stop, the one is who made me start? "
gua suka banget sama nih quotes, why? karena ini emang nyata! that's the FACT !
bener banget di bilang gimana bisa kita berhenti menangis, bila yang buat kita menangis adalah yg memulai !
haha, malah terkadang orang itu yg bilang " udah, jangan nangis lagi " sadarkah mereka ? kalo dia orang yg udah buat kita nangis ? ckck -.-
" Sometimes I smile just to keep back the tears "
gua juga setuju sama nih quotes, soalnya gua terkadang senyum karena buat menyembunyikan air mata gua! haha
karena gua gak mau dilihat orang jadi orang yang cengeng! walaupun kadang gua suka gak bisa tahan air mata hihi
" To accept your faults and be responsible for them, is a step to become matured "
yang ini juga setuju, karena kalo kita mau nerima kesalahan diri sendiri itu akan jadi langkah kita buat jadi dewasa :) tapi nyata nya kita suka banget melempar kesalahan, gak mau ngaku kalo itu kesalahan kita -.- ya kan? lol
" Don't ever waste your tears for someone who can easily let go of you "
kalo yang ini, gimana yaa?
hmm, yah gua cuma mau bilang jangan buang air mata lo buat orang yg bikin lo sakit, its useless ! lol :)
Menyakitkan menunggu nya terus menerus ..
yeah , mengerikan rasanya berharap pada orang yang gak ada respon . well , gw lebih dari ngerti lah apa yang terjadi sekarang . gimana keadaan dan situasinya .
kenapa gw masih berharap akan ada perubahan ? dia bakal kayak dulu ? terlalu jelas semuanya . jawaban seakan udah di depan mata tapi gw gak liat .
well , gw harus menyerah sekarang . gw benci masalah perasaan . itu bikin gw jijik banget . hahaha . karena selalu gak berujung indah .
enak yah si kimbee ma tople , barengan , sama2 . hahaha . sama2 ada respon . oke , tapi kasian remon sih . hahaha . smuanya sangat membingungkan yah ?
jadi keputusan saat ini adalah , jangan berharap sama dia terus menerus . karena itu cuma bikin capek . wkwkwk .
selain itu , never give up yg gw maksud adalah , untuk biola . huf , gw bingung banget . apa gw emang gak berbakat ? apa niat gw kurang . 3 minggu gw belajar perpindahan jarinya dan masih salah . itu menyedihkan . seakan tuh mang gw gak akan pernah bisa. rasanya gw mau nyerah aja . tapi gw gak mw nyerah juga . bingung gak ?
kalo ada Tuhan depan mata gw , langsung gw tanya apakah gw emang bakal bisa maen biola apa gak . kalo jawabannya gak , gw gak akan mw belajar biola karena gw udah tau apa yang akan terjadi pada ujungnya . hahaha .
abis biola , malah ada yang lain . ULANGAN MID SEMESTER YANG MENYEBALKAN !! gw udah males banget belajar hari ini . jadi gw memutuskan gak akan nyentuh buku hari ini . gw mau menenangkan otak gw . dan gw juga gak mau mikirin nilainya . menyebalkan semuanya ! ips gw ancur .. dan gw males sama remon yang selalu komentar !
rrr .. oke gw memaapkan dia , betul itu . tapi gw gak bilang gw masih kesel sama anak belagu kyk dia . hehehehe . itu memang selalu menyebalkan . mendengarkan cara ngomong dia bikin orang2 lupa dia pernah minta maap . hahaha .
hooaamm , ngantuk chuy . males ngeblog tp gw malah maksa .. ini lah akibatnya . tapi , so what lah . gak ada kerjaan juga . hahaha
Rabu, 24 November 2010
Fiuh, gua hari ini bener2 rasanya mau meledak. kenapa? karena akhir2 ini gua teramat sangat lah sibuk dan gua mulai bingung mengatur jadwal kehidupan gua. jadi gimana pelajaran di sekolah gua? memburuk sangat memburuk.
gua tiap di rumah selalu berjanji buat belajar semua pelajaran ipa dengan rajin dan baik, tapi pada akhirnya gua mendapati diri gua tiduran di meja. yah gua bener2 gak bisa ternyata memegang janji dengan diri gua sendiri.
dan besok menjadi puncak kepastian kelelahan gua, yah gua akan menjalani yang namanya latihan buat flashmob karawaci minggu ini. terakhir kali gua inget, sampe rumah gua bener2 rasanya mau tidur aja. latihannya makan tenaga banget, dan crowded room' nya bener2 membunuh gua perlahan2. gua selalu benci tempat serame itu.
dan yang lebih menggila lagi adalah kenyataan bahwa ada UAS! itu kenyataan yang masih berusaha gua lawan karena yah, gua selalu berharap UAS dan UTS atau bahkan UAN , adalah serangkaian mimpi buruk yang gak akan pernah terjadi.
bisa dibayangkan, penjaga ruangan buat ujian sedang mengupil, gua celingak celinguk kanan kiri dengan munafik dengan muka sok2 gak mau nyontek padahal aslinya pengen banget dapet jawaban! errr..
gua bener2 akan mengalami seminggu penuh mimpi buruk dengan ujian-ujian sinting. dan gua bener2 cuma pengen liburan! vacation!
gila, sekolah emang gak pernah menyenangkan sejak dulu. entah gimana manusia macam bu ruth, pak david, dan alien lain di ruang guru itu bisa bertahan dan dengan penuh senyuman berkata "karena saya banyak latihan dan suka matematika/fisika"
bayangin, penuh senyuman ngomongnya! sedangkan gua..
muka lemes, tampang tolol, suara agak aneh "penting apa batu jatuh di itung segala?"
yah antara gua dengan guru fisika emang selalu bertentangan, gak heran gua selalu mengalami perdebatan dan mereka gak terlalu suka sama gua.
entah kenapa akhir2 ini perut gua bermasalah, suka gak enak, dan gua mulai berpikir yang aneh2. well gua tau yang lagi baca blog ini gak mau membaca ide gila gua mengenai kemungkinan ada apa perut gua, cuma mau gak mau lu harus membacanya
*kemungkinan pertama : anak edward dan bella sebenernya ada di perut gua. dan dia mulai memberontak untuk keluar dari perut gua.
*kemungkinan kedua : ada yang santet gua, yah ini bisa jadi
*kemungkinan ketiga : gua hanya sakit perut dan gua terlalu berpikiran jauh dan berkhayal
dan selain itu semua, kenapa akhir2 ini sense of humour gua ilang yah? ( p.s : gua udah tau gua emang gak bisa ngelucu gak perlu di kasi tau )
gua tiap di rumah selalu berjanji buat belajar semua pelajaran ipa dengan rajin dan baik, tapi pada akhirnya gua mendapati diri gua tiduran di meja. yah gua bener2 gak bisa ternyata memegang janji dengan diri gua sendiri.
dan besok menjadi puncak kepastian kelelahan gua, yah gua akan menjalani yang namanya latihan buat flashmob karawaci minggu ini. terakhir kali gua inget, sampe rumah gua bener2 rasanya mau tidur aja. latihannya makan tenaga banget, dan crowded room' nya bener2 membunuh gua perlahan2. gua selalu benci tempat serame itu.
dan yang lebih menggila lagi adalah kenyataan bahwa ada UAS! itu kenyataan yang masih berusaha gua lawan karena yah, gua selalu berharap UAS dan UTS atau bahkan UAN , adalah serangkaian mimpi buruk yang gak akan pernah terjadi.
bisa dibayangkan, penjaga ruangan buat ujian sedang mengupil, gua celingak celinguk kanan kiri dengan munafik dengan muka sok2 gak mau nyontek padahal aslinya pengen banget dapet jawaban! errr..
gua bener2 akan mengalami seminggu penuh mimpi buruk dengan ujian-ujian sinting. dan gua bener2 cuma pengen liburan! vacation!
gila, sekolah emang gak pernah menyenangkan sejak dulu. entah gimana manusia macam bu ruth, pak david, dan alien lain di ruang guru itu bisa bertahan dan dengan penuh senyuman berkata "karena saya banyak latihan dan suka matematika/fisika"
bayangin, penuh senyuman ngomongnya! sedangkan gua..
muka lemes, tampang tolol, suara agak aneh "penting apa batu jatuh di itung segala?"
yah antara gua dengan guru fisika emang selalu bertentangan, gak heran gua selalu mengalami perdebatan dan mereka gak terlalu suka sama gua.
entah kenapa akhir2 ini perut gua bermasalah, suka gak enak, dan gua mulai berpikir yang aneh2. well gua tau yang lagi baca blog ini gak mau membaca ide gila gua mengenai kemungkinan ada apa perut gua, cuma mau gak mau lu harus membacanya
*kemungkinan pertama : anak edward dan bella sebenernya ada di perut gua. dan dia mulai memberontak untuk keluar dari perut gua.
*kemungkinan kedua : ada yang santet gua, yah ini bisa jadi
*kemungkinan ketiga : gua hanya sakit perut dan gua terlalu berpikiran jauh dan berkhayal
dan selain itu semua, kenapa akhir2 ini sense of humour gua ilang yah? ( p.s : gua udah tau gua emang gak bisa ngelucu gak perlu di kasi tau )
Jadi, bagaimana weekend kalian semua? menikmati hari rabu untuk liburan di minggu ini?
buat gua, minggu ini adalah saat di mana gua bener2 sibuk dan rasanya badan gua bener2 capek di hari minggu ini.
singkatnya aja, hari rabu gua bener2 bisa ngerasain tidur tenang dan liburan seharian dengan main games di komputer, yah masih membosankan tapi setidaknya ada hiburan.
dan di hari kamis dan jumat gua menjalani yang namanya LDK. yah LDK yang acaranya jelek banget dan gak mau sama sekali gua ceritakan karena gak ada yang bisa gua ceritakan dari acara sekolah terburuk yang pernah gua lalui itu.
dan guess what, gua udah nonton "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1"
yah, filmnya emang gak mengecewakan, dan gua beruntung bisa nonton di hari jumat yang mengartikan banyak kursi kosong yang tersedia buat gua, dan gua gak kesulitan sama sekali buat dapetin tiketnya. dan filmnya, bener2 amazing, walaupun gak sekeren yang ada di buku, cuma great job deh buat para cast filmnya.
dan di hari sabtu, gua harus merantau ke senayan tepatnya ke STC. yah gua dapet job buat iklan Supermall karawaci tanggal 27 nanti, dan yah I did a dance routine.
latihannya bukan main susah dan capek, gua stress waktu awal latihan. bayangkan dengan pelatih yang sekitar 20 orang harus ngajarin 1000 orang dalam ruangan berupa lapangan basket indoor. bisa bayangkan?
yah gua bener2 ngerasa kayak loser di tempat latihan itu, semua orang pake sneaker keren, dari nike adidas reebok, semua merek ada deh, dari yang original sampe yang kw terburuk juga ada. dan dari yang B-boy master, Hip Hop master, Modern Dance master, Sexy Dancer, semuanya ada di ruangan itu, di hari itu. gua terpukau liat orang dengan kerennya gerakin beberapa teknik B-Boy semacam windmill, dan beberapa teknik dasar. ngeliat di sana sini cewe2 yang ngelatih dance moves mereka, diselingi beberapa high kick dan gymnastic lainnya.
cowo2 yang macho dengan gerakan gemulai dan ngomong bahasa bencong sampe cowo2 yang bener2 macho dan lainnya.. yah semua ada. anak kuliahan, anak sma, anak smp bahkan yang terhitung udah umur siap married juga ada.
wow, gua bener2 shock awalnya, gua berada di sekumpulan dancer, hip hop-er, break dancer dan modern dancer yang jago2.
dan untungnya gua masih bisa menangkap beberapa moves yang dikasih, well gua gak kembali buat dancing lagi, gua cuma ikut ini karena ada yang namanya "GAJI"
yah lumayan lah, biaya hidup anak muda gua. LOL
dan berbicara soal dancing? apa kabarnya diri gua? membaik kah? gua tau gua gak akan bisa balik seenak jidat, improve skill hip hop sendiri, gua butuh yang bisa, dan gua selalu benci apa kata orang ke gua ..
ada yang pernah denger kokoba crew? well, mereka inspirasi gua. sekolompok anak muda yang talented banget dalam popping, locking, tutting, dan hal lainnya, mereka bener2 incredible dan mereka semua anak2 baik dengan visi misi jelas dalam dancing..
I want to be one of them, anak2 normal yang cuma tergila gila sama hip hop, bukan cowo2 centil berlarian dengan pinggul ke mana2, dan baju homonya. no, gua bukan mau jadi itu . sama sekali gak, dan gak pernah kepikiran. maybe im such a loser, im not that strong, i dont have any muscle, i dont do any sports, and im not clever and im act like a damned pussy, but i dont care, i never choose "become a transgender" in my life wishes.
i just want to become a professional hip hop dancer, for my own, but can everybody just listen to me? just understand me? no hell no, they look everything from the wrong side
sigh, gua ngeluhin itu setiap harinya. gua enjoy dengan move gua sendiri, gua enjoy dengan musik kesukaan gua sendiri, i dance for myself, i move for myself, i live for myself, i dont give a damned thing, so dont give me those shit..
buat gua, minggu ini adalah saat di mana gua bener2 sibuk dan rasanya badan gua bener2 capek di hari minggu ini.
singkatnya aja, hari rabu gua bener2 bisa ngerasain tidur tenang dan liburan seharian dengan main games di komputer, yah masih membosankan tapi setidaknya ada hiburan.
dan di hari kamis dan jumat gua menjalani yang namanya LDK. yah LDK yang acaranya jelek banget dan gak mau sama sekali gua ceritakan karena gak ada yang bisa gua ceritakan dari acara sekolah terburuk yang pernah gua lalui itu.
dan guess what, gua udah nonton "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1"
yah, filmnya emang gak mengecewakan, dan gua beruntung bisa nonton di hari jumat yang mengartikan banyak kursi kosong yang tersedia buat gua, dan gua gak kesulitan sama sekali buat dapetin tiketnya. dan filmnya, bener2 amazing, walaupun gak sekeren yang ada di buku, cuma great job deh buat para cast filmnya.
dan di hari sabtu, gua harus merantau ke senayan tepatnya ke STC. yah gua dapet job buat iklan Supermall karawaci tanggal 27 nanti, dan yah I did a dance routine.
latihannya bukan main susah dan capek, gua stress waktu awal latihan. bayangkan dengan pelatih yang sekitar 20 orang harus ngajarin 1000 orang dalam ruangan berupa lapangan basket indoor. bisa bayangkan?
yah gua bener2 ngerasa kayak loser di tempat latihan itu, semua orang pake sneaker keren, dari nike adidas reebok, semua merek ada deh, dari yang original sampe yang kw terburuk juga ada. dan dari yang B-boy master, Hip Hop master, Modern Dance master, Sexy Dancer, semuanya ada di ruangan itu, di hari itu. gua terpukau liat orang dengan kerennya gerakin beberapa teknik B-Boy semacam windmill, dan beberapa teknik dasar. ngeliat di sana sini cewe2 yang ngelatih dance moves mereka, diselingi beberapa high kick dan gymnastic lainnya.
cowo2 yang macho dengan gerakan gemulai dan ngomong bahasa bencong sampe cowo2 yang bener2 macho dan lainnya.. yah semua ada. anak kuliahan, anak sma, anak smp bahkan yang terhitung udah umur siap married juga ada.
wow, gua bener2 shock awalnya, gua berada di sekumpulan dancer, hip hop-er, break dancer dan modern dancer yang jago2.
dan untungnya gua masih bisa menangkap beberapa moves yang dikasih, well gua gak kembali buat dancing lagi, gua cuma ikut ini karena ada yang namanya "GAJI"
yah lumayan lah, biaya hidup anak muda gua. LOL
dan berbicara soal dancing? apa kabarnya diri gua? membaik kah? gua tau gua gak akan bisa balik seenak jidat, improve skill hip hop sendiri, gua butuh yang bisa, dan gua selalu benci apa kata orang ke gua ..
ada yang pernah denger kokoba crew? well, mereka inspirasi gua. sekolompok anak muda yang talented banget dalam popping, locking, tutting, dan hal lainnya, mereka bener2 incredible dan mereka semua anak2 baik dengan visi misi jelas dalam dancing..
I want to be one of them, anak2 normal yang cuma tergila gila sama hip hop, bukan cowo2 centil berlarian dengan pinggul ke mana2, dan baju homonya. no, gua bukan mau jadi itu . sama sekali gak, dan gak pernah kepikiran. maybe im such a loser, im not that strong, i dont have any muscle, i dont do any sports, and im not clever and im act like a damned pussy, but i dont care, i never choose "become a transgender" in my life wishes.
i just want to become a professional hip hop dancer, for my own, but can everybody just listen to me? just understand me? no hell no, they look everything from the wrong side
sigh, gua ngeluhin itu setiap harinya. gua enjoy dengan move gua sendiri, gua enjoy dengan musik kesukaan gua sendiri, i dance for myself, i move for myself, i live for myself, i dont give a damned thing, so dont give me those shit..
Sabtu, 06 November 2010
Jubing Kristianto , a guitar genius from Indonesia
Jubing Kristianto is four times national winner of "Yamaha Festival Gitar Indonesia" (1987, 1992, 1994, and 1995). He's also a recipient of Distinguished Award at "Yamaha South-East Asia Guitar Festival" in 1984.
He studied classical guitar from Suhartono Lukito and Arthur Sahelangi at Yamaha Music School in Semarang and Jakarta, Indonesia. His formal education is not in music but criminology, from Universitas Indonesia.
After been working as journalist for 13 years, in 2003 Jubing became a full-time guitarist. He's now enjoying activities as guitar teacher, examiner, and endorsee for Yamaha Music Indonesia.
Jubing had been working and performing together with prominent musicians/vocalist in various genre --both in recording or live performing.
Since 2005 he joined Punakawan Quartet together with Jaya Suprana (piano), Heru Kusnadi (bass), and Junaedi Musliman (percussion). Promoting Indonesian folksong, the quartet had performed in Indonesia, Japan, Australia, and Singapore.
Jubing had released three solo guitar albums: Becak Fantasy (2007), (2008), and Hujan Fantasy Delman Fantasy (2009) produced by IMC Record. Most of the pieces is solo guitar music of his own arrangements and compositions. Children songs, folksongs, and pop songs are his favourite materials. His performances and his CD's had received critical acclaims from music-lovers and media in Indonesia. Rolling Stone Indonesia magazine had enlisted his Becak Fantasy as one of "The Best 20 Indonesian Albums of 2008".
Jubing have wrote two books on guitar: Gitarpedia: Buku Pintar Gitaris (2007) and Membongkar Rahasia Chord Gitar (2008), published by prominent book publisher in Indonesia, PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. He writes regularly for two Indonesian music magazines: "Staccato" and "GitarPlus".
Adra -
He studied classical guitar from Suhartono Lukito and Arthur Sahelangi at Yamaha Music School in Semarang and Jakarta, Indonesia. His formal education is not in music but criminology, from Universitas Indonesia.
After been working as journalist for 13 years, in 2003 Jubing became a full-time guitarist. He's now enjoying activities as guitar teacher, examiner, and endorsee for Yamaha Music Indonesia.
Jubing had been working and performing together with prominent musicians/vocalist in various genre --both in recording or live performing.
Since 2005 he joined Punakawan Quartet together with Jaya Suprana (piano), Heru Kusnadi (bass), and Junaedi Musliman (percussion). Promoting Indonesian folksong, the quartet had performed in Indonesia, Japan, Australia, and Singapore.
Jubing had released three solo guitar albums: Becak Fantasy (2007), (2008), and Hujan Fantasy Delman Fantasy (2009) produced by IMC Record. Most of the pieces is solo guitar music of his own arrangements and compositions. Children songs, folksongs, and pop songs are his favourite materials. His performances and his CD's had received critical acclaims from music-lovers and media in Indonesia. Rolling Stone Indonesia magazine had enlisted his Becak Fantasy as one of "The Best 20 Indonesian Albums of 2008".
Jubing have wrote two books on guitar: Gitarpedia: Buku Pintar Gitaris (2007) and Membongkar Rahasia Chord Gitar (2008), published by prominent book publisher in Indonesia, PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. He writes regularly for two Indonesian music magazines: "Staccato" and "GitarPlus".
Adra -
Maksim Mrvica , a piano genius -
Maksim Mrvica knew he wanted to play the piano when, aged just eight, he caught a glimpse of the instrument at his best friend Alexander’s house. That was in 1984 and although 22 years later he is one of the most famous pianists in the world, the journey hasn’t always been easy.
Born in Sibenik, a small, but beautiful medieval town on Croatia’s Adriatic Coast, the odds seemed stacked against Maksim achieveing his dream. His mother Slavica and father Karmel knew nothing about classical music (even now they still prefer to listen to pop music on the radio). But although they were confused by their son’s new passion, they were supportive and lessons were duly arranged.
It wasn’t long before it became obvious to Maksim’s teachers that he had a rare talent and the boy was enrolled in Sibenik’s state music school. It was there that Maksim began to harbour dreams of being a concert pianist and working hard to make those dreams a reality (although he admits now that he didn’t always do quite as much practise as he was supposed to).
He was 15 when war broke out in Croatia and life became almost unbearable for the Mrvica family. Bombs fell almost constantly on Sibenik: Maksim remembers “There were more than 1000 grenades a day. At one point there were seven whole days when we stayed in the basement and didn’t see the sun. “But you got used to it: you had to go on living.” For Maksim, living meant playing the piano. He would meet his teacher Marija Sekso in the basement of Sibenik’s music school and forget the war, losing himself in the music for hours at a time.
As well as grenades, there was the constant threat of being attacked by Serbian snipers – any time spent outside was a danger.
For three years the whole family slept each night on the concrete floor of the shelter in their basement. They occasionally were able to escape to a house on one of the islands off Sibenik’s coast, but although he was away from the bombs, being away from his piano was tortuous for Maksim and, despite the dangers; he always welcomed the family’s return to the city.
Eventually a light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Maksim entered his first competition in 1993, practising feverishly to reach the high standards he knew were expected of him. War still raged in Sibenik, but there was peace in Zagreb where the competition was held. The 18 year old Maksim had already charmed the judge and audience just by turning up, but one he played the applause was purely for the music. The judge stopped the competition after Maksim’s performance, immediately announcing him as the winner.
“They said I ought to win just for coming from Sibenik.” He laughs. “They said ‘We know it is hell. Where did you practise?’ But after I played and won there were hundreds of people shouting for me and not because they felt sorry for me.” The pianist says it was one of the best experiences of his life and it seems that however successful he has gone on to be, the joy of that first win remains vivid in his mind.
Maksim went on to study in Zagreb with Vladimir Krpan, one of country’s most revered music professors, then to the Ferenc Liszt conservatoire in Budapest and finally to Paris before returning to Croatia to record his first album Gestures in 2000. He had modest hopes for the record, but it surpassed all expectations, becoming one of the fastest selling albums ever released in Croatia and winning four Porin awards (the country’s equivalent of a Classical Brit).
In 2001 Maksim met Tonci Huljic, a musician and composer who not only wrote some original pieces for the young pianist (and continues to do so), but introduced him to music impresario Mel Bush.
Bush had been looking for a classical pianist for some time, having masterminded the success of all-girl string quartet Bond he was convinced that there was huge potential for a pianist to break into the classical/pop crossover market, but hadn’t been able to find the right person. On meeting Maksim he was immediately impressed by his charisma and signed him on the spot after hearing him play just one piece. Maksim’s first crossover album for EMI Classical, The Piano Player, was a huge success in 2003. It went Gold in Malaysia, China and Indonesia and Platinum in Taiwan, Singapore and his home country Croatai and Double Platinum in Hong Kong. It contained what has become, to many, his signature piece: a particularly energetic version of Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight Of The Bumblebee. He is particularly proud that there is now an annual competition named after him in which amateur pianists play the piece.
Variations I&II in 2004 won him yet more fans and a platinum disc for sales in Taiwan. On a tour of South East Asia fans received him like a rock star as he played his unique crossover music accompanied by strobe lights and video screens and dates in Japan where he played in a more purely classical style accompanied by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra were greeted just as rapturously. Earlier in 2006 Maksim pushed the boundaries of crossover with his third album, A New World, toured again in Japan and Asia and was delighted to play a outdoor ‘homecoming’ show in Zagreb.
The trajectory of his fame rose even steeper with the release of Elektric and a tour of Asia, where he performed both crossover concerts with his band and classical concerts with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra. He then returns to Asia for a solo piano concert tour at the end of April 2007.
Maksim is married to childhood sweetheart Ana and the couple have a daughter named LeeLoo (after Milla Jojovovich’s character in The Fifth Element). They divide their time between Sibenik and London.
Born in Sibenik, a small, but beautiful medieval town on Croatia’s Adriatic Coast, the odds seemed stacked against Maksim achieveing his dream. His mother Slavica and father Karmel knew nothing about classical music (even now they still prefer to listen to pop music on the radio). But although they were confused by their son’s new passion, they were supportive and lessons were duly arranged.
It wasn’t long before it became obvious to Maksim’s teachers that he had a rare talent and the boy was enrolled in Sibenik’s state music school. It was there that Maksim began to harbour dreams of being a concert pianist and working hard to make those dreams a reality (although he admits now that he didn’t always do quite as much practise as he was supposed to).
He was 15 when war broke out in Croatia and life became almost unbearable for the Mrvica family. Bombs fell almost constantly on Sibenik: Maksim remembers “There were more than 1000 grenades a day. At one point there were seven whole days when we stayed in the basement and didn’t see the sun. “But you got used to it: you had to go on living.” For Maksim, living meant playing the piano. He would meet his teacher Marija Sekso in the basement of Sibenik’s music school and forget the war, losing himself in the music for hours at a time.
As well as grenades, there was the constant threat of being attacked by Serbian snipers – any time spent outside was a danger.
For three years the whole family slept each night on the concrete floor of the shelter in their basement. They occasionally were able to escape to a house on one of the islands off Sibenik’s coast, but although he was away from the bombs, being away from his piano was tortuous for Maksim and, despite the dangers; he always welcomed the family’s return to the city.
Eventually a light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Maksim entered his first competition in 1993, practising feverishly to reach the high standards he knew were expected of him. War still raged in Sibenik, but there was peace in Zagreb where the competition was held. The 18 year old Maksim had already charmed the judge and audience just by turning up, but one he played the applause was purely for the music. The judge stopped the competition after Maksim’s performance, immediately announcing him as the winner.
“They said I ought to win just for coming from Sibenik.” He laughs. “They said ‘We know it is hell. Where did you practise?’ But after I played and won there were hundreds of people shouting for me and not because they felt sorry for me.” The pianist says it was one of the best experiences of his life and it seems that however successful he has gone on to be, the joy of that first win remains vivid in his mind.
Maksim went on to study in Zagreb with Vladimir Krpan, one of country’s most revered music professors, then to the Ferenc Liszt conservatoire in Budapest and finally to Paris before returning to Croatia to record his first album Gestures in 2000. He had modest hopes for the record, but it surpassed all expectations, becoming one of the fastest selling albums ever released in Croatia and winning four Porin awards (the country’s equivalent of a Classical Brit).
In 2001 Maksim met Tonci Huljic, a musician and composer who not only wrote some original pieces for the young pianist (and continues to do so), but introduced him to music impresario Mel Bush.
Bush had been looking for a classical pianist for some time, having masterminded the success of all-girl string quartet Bond he was convinced that there was huge potential for a pianist to break into the classical/pop crossover market, but hadn’t been able to find the right person. On meeting Maksim he was immediately impressed by his charisma and signed him on the spot after hearing him play just one piece. Maksim’s first crossover album for EMI Classical, The Piano Player, was a huge success in 2003. It went Gold in Malaysia, China and Indonesia and Platinum in Taiwan, Singapore and his home country Croatai and Double Platinum in Hong Kong. It contained what has become, to many, his signature piece: a particularly energetic version of Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight Of The Bumblebee. He is particularly proud that there is now an annual competition named after him in which amateur pianists play the piece.
Variations I&II in 2004 won him yet more fans and a platinum disc for sales in Taiwan. On a tour of South East Asia fans received him like a rock star as he played his unique crossover music accompanied by strobe lights and video screens and dates in Japan where he played in a more purely classical style accompanied by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra were greeted just as rapturously. Earlier in 2006 Maksim pushed the boundaries of crossover with his third album, A New World, toured again in Japan and Asia and was delighted to play a outdoor ‘homecoming’ show in Zagreb.
The trajectory of his fame rose even steeper with the release of Elektric and a tour of Asia, where he performed both crossover concerts with his band and classical concerts with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra. He then returns to Asia for a solo piano concert tour at the end of April 2007.
Maksim is married to childhood sweetheart Ana and the couple have a daughter named LeeLoo (after Milla Jojovovich’s character in The Fifth Element). They divide their time between Sibenik and London.
Henry Lau
♥ -- he's so cute .. uwaa @@ -- ♥
hi guys ! while i was searching for proffesional violist , i found a violist , named Henry Lau .
He is cute and awesome ! he is the member of suju ( super junior) . ---a
he has a really great ability in playing the violin . uwaa @@
he can play piano as well . what a talented boy ! he is 2o years old now .
Chinese Name: Liu Xian Hua
English Name: Henry Lau
Education: A.Y. Jackson
Birthday: 11/10/1989
Country: Canada (Toronto)
Family: Father (Hong Kong), Mother (Taiwanese)
Expertise: Violin, piano, breakdance, drums, ballet, latin dance, singing
He is fluent in two languages : English and Mandarin and proficient in Cantonese and Korean with English being his primary language .
Henry Lau learned to play violin at the age of 6 and learned a unique form of dancing called boogaloo popping while in high school .
Henry's areas of expertise lie in playing the piano , the violin , popping and singing . He began violin lesson at the age of six ,
altough apparently he used to cry when he had his violin lesson . He has won many awards for piano and violin ,
such as the Silver Medal in Level 10 Violin for the Canadian Royal Conservatory Award and awards for his dancing as well .
That's great !
I think that he can be an inspiration for many people , including me . Thanks Henry for inspiring many people to practice, practice , and practice their musical skill so that they can be like you . i know that before you succeeded as now , you must be having an intensive practice . woowww ! i can't imagine that .
i love you henry !
He is cute and awesome ! he is the member of suju ( super junior) . ---a
he has a really great ability in playing the violin . uwaa @@
he can play piano as well . what a talented boy ! he is 2o years old now .
Chinese Name: Liu Xian Hua
English Name: Henry Lau
Education: A.Y. Jackson
Birthday: 11/10/1989
Country: Canada (Toronto)
Family: Father (Hong Kong), Mother (Taiwanese)
Expertise: Violin, piano, breakdance, drums, ballet, latin dance, singing
He is fluent in two languages : English and Mandarin and proficient in Cantonese and Korean with English being his primary language .
Henry Lau learned to play violin at the age of 6 and learned a unique form of dancing called boogaloo popping while in high school .
Henry's areas of expertise lie in playing the piano , the violin , popping and singing . He began violin lesson at the age of six ,
altough apparently he used to cry when he had his violin lesson . He has won many awards for piano and violin ,
such as the Silver Medal in Level 10 Violin for the Canadian Royal Conservatory Award and awards for his dancing as well .
That's great !
I think that he can be an inspiration for many people , including me . Thanks Henry for inspiring many people to practice, practice , and practice their musical skill so that they can be like you . i know that before you succeeded as now , you must be having an intensive practice . woowww ! i can't imagine that .
i love you henry !
i wanna be a violist --
fiuuhhh .. i have a dream to be a great musician someday . i wanna play an instrument in an orchestra . since i was in the 5th grade , i dreamt to play a violin . for me , it is a really unique classic instrument , its sound touches my heart and soul . ehrn you hear the sound ,
feels like it is connected to your heart .
but at that time , i didn't learn it coz my mom said that it's useless . she said that being a violin player wouldn't be as rich as a piano player . but now , i realiza that i need to learn violin , because i love it more and more . but don't worry , i still love the piano and guitar .
each music instrument has its characteristic . when you are listening to a piano , you will feel soft , calm, and sometimes energetic . its sound is really soft . when you're listening to guitar , it gives you a strong feeling . it is energetic . but when you are listening to a violin, it feels different . it can be soft , energetic , and to play violin is almost the same as piano .
if you don't have senses of music , you can't play it beautifully . they said that to become a violist is hard . but i;m sure that i can make it . i've just bought a violin two weeks ago . i can play some songs myself . i don't take a lesson on it , or even asking my friends . i only asked my friends on how to hold the violin . i think that i have a talent on it , on piano and guitar as well . i've asked my mom for me to have a violin course in order to make me expert in this instrument , but there's no response . fiuuhh --
i'm sure that i can be fast in learning this instrument , coz i have been learning the piano and guitar as well . hheeee ^^ . i've ever had a dream too that when i play the violin , a violin teacher said to me that i am talented , and i need to learn about it more and more . aarrgggghh-- hope that i can have the violin lesson soon .. =)
love the music !
feels like it is connected to your heart .
but at that time , i didn't learn it coz my mom said that it's useless . she said that being a violin player wouldn't be as rich as a piano player . but now , i realiza that i need to learn violin , because i love it more and more . but don't worry , i still love the piano and guitar .
each music instrument has its characteristic . when you are listening to a piano , you will feel soft , calm, and sometimes energetic . its sound is really soft . when you're listening to guitar , it gives you a strong feeling . it is energetic . but when you are listening to a violin, it feels different . it can be soft , energetic , and to play violin is almost the same as piano .
if you don't have senses of music , you can't play it beautifully . they said that to become a violist is hard . but i;m sure that i can make it . i've just bought a violin two weeks ago . i can play some songs myself . i don't take a lesson on it , or even asking my friends . i only asked my friends on how to hold the violin . i think that i have a talent on it , on piano and guitar as well . i've asked my mom for me to have a violin course in order to make me expert in this instrument , but there's no response . fiuuhh --
i'm sure that i can be fast in learning this instrument , coz i have been learning the piano and guitar as well . hheeee ^^ . i've ever had a dream too that when i play the violin , a violin teacher said to me that i am talented , and i need to learn about it more and more . aarrgggghh-- hope that i can have the violin lesson soon .. =)
love the music !
Fifteen - Taylor Swift
You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
It's the morning of your very first day
And you say hi to your friends you ain't seen in a while
Try and stay out of everybody's way
It's your freshman year and you're gonna be here
For the next four years in this town
Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
"You know, I haven't seen you around before"
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out
Well, count to ten, take it in
This is life before you know who you're gonna be
You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail
And soon enough you're best friends
Laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool
We'll be outta here as soon as we can
And then you're on your very first date and he's got a car
And you're feeling like flying
And you're momma's waiting up and you're thinking he's the one
And you're dancing 'round your room when the night ends
When the night ends
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
When you're fifteen and your first kiss
Makes your head spin 'round
But in your life you'll do things greater than
Dating the boy on the football team
But I didn't know it at fifteen
When all you wanted was to be wanted
Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now
Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday
But I realized some bigger dreams of mine
And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy
Who changed his mind and we both cried
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen, don't forget to look before you fall
I've found time can heal most anything
And you just might find who you're supposed to be
I didn't know who I was supposed to be at fifteen
Your very first day
Take a deep breath girl
Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors
It's the morning of your very first day
And you say hi to your friends you ain't seen in a while
Try and stay out of everybody's way
It's your freshman year and you're gonna be here
For the next four years in this town
Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
"You know, I haven't seen you around before"
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out
Well, count to ten, take it in
This is life before you know who you're gonna be
You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail
And soon enough you're best friends
Laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool
We'll be outta here as soon as we can
And then you're on your very first date and he's got a car
And you're feeling like flying
And you're momma's waiting up and you're thinking he's the one
And you're dancing 'round your room when the night ends
When the night ends
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
When you're fifteen and your first kiss
Makes your head spin 'round
But in your life you'll do things greater than
Dating the boy on the football team
But I didn't know it at fifteen
When all you wanted was to be wanted
Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now
Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday
But I realized some bigger dreams of mine
And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy
Who changed his mind and we both cried
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen, don't forget to look before you fall
I've found time can heal most anything
And you just might find who you're supposed to be
I didn't know who I was supposed to be at fifteen
Your very first day
Take a deep breath girl
Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors
Secondhand Serenade
Have you ever heard Secondhand Serenade ? It is an acoustic rock solo project fronted by vocalist and guitarist John Vesely. The solo project began in 2004. Vesely has released two studio albums to date under the name Secondhand Serenade, Awake in 2007 and A Twist in My Story in 2008.
His songs are great ! the lyrics are awesome . John Joseph Vesely formed Secondhand Serenade in his home town of Menlo Park in California, USA, in 2004. Vesely was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area in a musical family and as the son of a professional jazz musician father, commenting that "getting into music was a natural thing" for him. He spent 8 years playing bass in local bands, featuring in a number of acts ranging in style from ska and hardcore to rock and pop .
One of the bands he played in, Sounds Like Life, included fellow Bay Area artist Ronnie Day. After years of playing bass, he opted for an acoustic guitar.
Vesely began writing his own songs when he met his wife Candice Vesely. She had wanted him to play a song and "serenading her with a bass guitar was out of the question." He has admitted he found his "true calling" when he picked up the guitar. The pseudonym Secondhand Serenade is a reference to the way in which his songs were 'serenades' sung to his wife Candice, with whom he has two young sons. People around the world are merely getting to hear the songs 'second-hand.' While Vesely continues to market the affectionate biography the couple broke up in 2008. Vesely was heart broken as we can see in many of his songs. He released "A Twist In My Story" as a reference to the divorce. In 2005, Vesely released his debut album titled Awake. It was recorded as a demo, after booking a few days at a Ontario studio earlier in 2005, "using just an acoustic guitar and his multi-tracked vocals."
The album was promoted through the Secondhand Serenade Myspace page and by playing local shows. The CD's were originally sold through mail order with a PayPal account by Vesely, eventually he signed up with distributor TuneCore, making Secondhand Serenade's songs available on music portals including iTunes. The album experienced tremendous online support, and by the end of 2006 Secondhand Serenade had received millions of plays on Myspace and had been the social-networking site's No. 1 Independent Artist for months. Financially, he was said to be bringing in up to $20,000 a month from downloads and merchandise sales out of his home. He sold over 15,000 copies of the album on his own, and on the strength of these sales and the support, naturally, the labels came knocking. Secondhand Serenade was signed by longtime label executive Daniel Glass, on his new label Glassnote Records, which is distributed through Warner's Independent Label Group.
In 2006, Rolling Stone announced Secondhand Serenade as #3 in the magazine's reader's poll for Best Myspace Artist.A Twist in My Story was released on February 19, 2008 and features songs from Awake such as "Maybe" and "Your Call," but reproduced with a full band. The bulk of the album however is a list of new songs written by John Vesely and recorded with a full band. Two tracks on A Twist In My Story were produced by famed producer Butch Walker, while the others were produced by former Nine Inch Nails member Danny Lohner. The first single, "Fall for You," was released January 21, 2008. The album was leaked, and was made available for download one month before its official release. On January 28, 2008 the music video for the first single from the album "Fall for You" premiered on the MTV show TRL.
In support of the release, Secondhand Serenade spent most of March and April touring with American bands Making April, Automatic Loveletter, and The White Tie Affair. Members of his touring band include John Harvey on bass guitar, Lukas Vesely (Vesely's brother) on keys/vox, Ryan Cook(former bassist of the White Tie Affair) on lead guitar/vox, and Tom Breyfogle on drums.Secondhand Serenade is currently in the studio recording a new album for an upcoming release. On September 27, 2009, while performing live in Columbus, Ohio Vesely announced their new album would most likely be released in January or February.
The forthcoming album is tentatively being called "Partly Liars." In a recent interview, Vesely stated that the new record will be more upbeat than his last album which focused on relationships.
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