Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

DIY Denim Bangle

Konnichiwa! At this time, I'll tell you how to make a denim / floral bangle. It's so easy! You can use bangles that you've never worn it! Hope it's clear enough. hehe :)

Picture 002

Picture 021
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you need :
1. Fabrics
2. Bangle(s)
3. Glue Gun
4. Scissors
5. Ribbon
6. Ruler
7. Measure Tape
8. Pencil


the result :

Picture 020

Picture 019
do try this!! :)

sorry to say. but there will be ± 2 weeks hiatus on this blog during my trip to Jakarta and Taiwan :(. But I hope you keep reading my blog and I promise I'll replace the hiatus with some new pots once I back from my trip. heheh :D
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Enjoy Your Holiday ! <3