Senin, 20 Desember 2010


Alright, here we go.
Pff, to be honest my hands are sweating and shaking right now. After a year I signed off from Blogger, I'm finally on again, with different me.

I do have a dream, and my dream is to have a dream.

We all have dreams. I do have dreams. But sometimes, we just don't know what to do with those 'dreams'.
Some of us may think, dreams are just dreams, and they are unreal. But to tell, dreams encourage you to do better in life.
They encourage you to catch what you have always wanted, even the impossible ones.

Believe, in dream everything is possible.
And believe it too, that in life everything is possible.

Don't stop fantasizing, because fantasizing leads to dreaming. Don't stop dreaming, because dreaming leads to succeeding.
-Adra Marsha

You see, dreaming is free. So is fantasizing.
But never forget to make them come true. If you have tried your best but it still sucks, don't break down,
Because God will take the rest. ;)

about a girl

She may not be your dream come true,
She may not be the shooting star you've always wished,
But she will always try to be that one girl you've always needed.

1) She won't mind sleeping a little bit later just to talk to you, the guy she's been in love with
2) You've always been in her prayer
3) She would call or text you, in her busiest time, just to know if you're doing alright
4) She would never get mad at you, because she never wants to hurt your feeling
5) She may get jealous some times, but never get it the wrong way, it means she loves you a little too much
6) She hates waiting, but when it comes to waiting for someone she loves, she won't care
7) She can be your best friend and your lover at a time
8) She always wants you to be happy, even if she is no longer the part of it
9) She always wants you to find a reason to smile, even if she is no longer the reason
10) She may fake her smiles, but never her tears and feelings
11) She remembers every little thing about you
12) When you're near, her heart beats faster and slower at the same time
13) When you talk to her, she can't seem to stop smiling
14) When you hold her hands, her heart melts like never before
15) When you brush her hair, her cheeks blush
16) When you kiss her, her knees go weak
17) When you laugh, it warms her heart
18) When you cry, it bleeds her heart
19) When you're away, she'll never stop loving and missing you
20) When you leave her, you take parts of her, and her heart with you
21) She loves you for who you are, not for how you look
22) She loves you in and out
23) However sweaty you may get, she won't mind to give you a warm hug
24) However annoying you may get, she can never get mad
25) She never forgets every little thing she's done with you
26) She never forgets the times that bring smiles to her face
27) She never forgets the one that flies her high, and it's you
28) She never forgets her anniversary date
29) She loves the way you call her name
30) She loves you.


Should i start.......... writing a book? Some people say that i ought to write one.
Even my sister says so. But the thing is... my only question is,
"What should i write about? What will the topic be? What will it be about? Should it be a novel or....?"

But if you think i shouldn't write, it's fine by me. I'll just keep on tweeting, i suppose?

Since now some of you have known my type of writing, help me? :)
Answer this question by mentioning me on Twitter or answering this q on my own Tagboard (see the heart-shaped icon and click!)

Kipi the Caterpillar

I proudly present you the loveliest caterpillar ever! I found kipi weeks ago at my granny's house. This used to be my favorite fluff when I was in primary school. I thought I lost it but I've found it yay! :D It was stuck in my old cupboard at granny's house. :3 oh how I love you Kipi! Kipi's been sleeping with me these two days, seems like he's pretty comfortable.
Ok hi, the name is Kipi. Adra just made it today, Tuesday 21/12
               Ok so I thought it would be fun to play with her macbook ;)                                       

But I don't know how to get it on. Let's just walk.

     Ok maybe the Blackberry's father and the iPod will be easier to use.
      She just turned her macbook on!!! Let's see.
                                                                    Everything's boring.. let's just chill in the cupboard.
 Kipi the Caterpillar. Cute, no?
Now I'm gonna play with the tissue.

 Ohhh, even though this cupboard is nice, but I miss my old cupboard :(

I love this doll, my father brought a mini doll from hongkong, 2 years ago.
thank you dad. You are the most best dad in the WORLD