Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Mi Daddy

a loving son, husband, father, and a true best friend

If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied
Illuminate the no’s on their vacancy signs
If there’s no one beside you when your soul embarks
Then I’ll follow you into the dark

Death Cab for Cutie – I Will Follow You Into The Dark

This might be the 276178638732th time I’m writing about my father. There’s so much to tell about this special man of mine, and I will never get bored of retelling it, over and all over again.

It’s gonna be hard to have the best father in the world. Because the best one is already mine <3

My father is no handsome like Brad Pitt, but he has this beautiful charm like Mahatma Gandhi. My father is no Bill Gates, but he has a very big, down-to-earth heart. He is the strongest man I know. He holds his tears, never lets them fall down, but I know deep inside sometimes he breaks down. Even when his father died, he held his tears. I knew that deep inside he screamed his lungs out, wanting him to be back again. He always teaches me to be a strong girl, not to cry, not to give up. Because hearts can break down, but life still goes on.

He is the only place I run to when I am confused, when I don’t know who I am. He may not understand what I say, what I tell him, but he understands what my heart screams for. He knows what I need the best. He knows what I love the best. He knows me best. He has this special ability to turn my bad days into special good days; just thru his smile.

His smile comforts me.

Te quiero, mi padre. I really do. These words don’t come from website, book, or song lyric. These words come straight from my heart, I love you.

When I was a baby

1. He cried when he first saw me.

2. He bought me everything I needed.

3. He smiled when he first heard our first word – even if it wasn’t DADDY.

4. He never gave up teaching me the simplest things.

When I am a teenager

5. He works days and nights, and never complains.

6. He still buys me everything I need.

7. He is never mad when my report card is on fire,

He smiles and says, “You will do better than this.”

8. He supports me in everything I do.

9. He comes to my tennis games and supports me like a mad-fan.

10. He still reminds me to have my breakfast, lunch and dinner so I’ll never skip them.

11. He sets my latest-hour to be out with my friends.

12. His smile makes me feel much better.

13. His hug can never be replaced by anyone else.

14. Even when he is tired, he still takes a moment of his time, goes to my room and sees me sleep.

15. He loves me for who I really am.

16. He keeps on calling when I don’t pick up the calls.

17. He never yells.

18. He never breaks his promises.

19. He is a good friend, someone whom you can tell your secrets too.

20. He never…. lets me down.

When I am a grown up

I know I can’t read mind, but I’m sure he’ll still do the same…

His love is everlasting and never-changing.


Even though sometimes you’re too overprotected and annoying, always know that:


I know you do these things because you never want me to get hurt.

And I know that….

Don’t ever leave me. Ever.


My dream is… having you to give me away in my own wedding. :)

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

my future husband

1. Will change my last name
And I hope his last name is actually a good name ;) hahaha. You may ask 'what's in a name?' but really, name is important - well at least to me.

2. Will change me and my life, to be better
He will change me and my life to be better, yes. He will tell me if I go wrong, he will help me get through it, so I won't have to go wrong twice. He will be happy when he knows that I've changed to be a better person because of him and only him. He will smile when he knows that he's made my life more colorful because of him, too.

3. Will ask me to have a fine dinner, just two of us
Yep like when we were still boyfriend and girlfriend. Because people know, that when they get married, they won't do such things like they did when they were boyfriend and girlfriend. He'll take me to a fine dinner every weekend. Maybe sometimes we'll take the kids with us.

4. Will always phone me whenever he's away
Even in his busiest hours. Even when he is at work. Just to tell me that he loves me. Or perhaps if he doesn't have time to phone me, he'll text me an I love you. And it's more than enough to me.

5. Will always be my man
Will be the man I can always rely on. Will be the man that makes me smile when I don't know how to. Will be the man that gives me a shoulder to cry on. Will be the man that wipes my tears off. Will be the man that loves me, in and out. Will be the man that assures me we can build a happy and strong family.

6. Will hear my stories every night
He will give his ears for free, just to listen to my stories: what I did yesterday, what I'm doing today, what I'll do tomorrow, what I've done in my whole life. He'll listen when I share. He'll listen when I cry my eyes out, when I bleed my heart.

7. Will hug me whenever I need or needn't one
He will love hugging me. Every morning when I just wake up, when he's about to go to work. Every evening when he gets home from work, when I'm in the kitchen cooking his meal. Every night when we're about to sleep. And in my dreams, he won't stop hugging me and telling me he loves me.

8. Will raise his kids our way
He will love his kids like he loves himself. He will love his kids like he loves me. He will know how to teach his kids. He will know how to make them happy, smile and laugh. He will never make them cry, well okay even if they cry, the tears that fall down their cheeks are happy tears. We will make the best birthday parties for our kids. He will come to every parental meeting. He will always smile whenever our kids get their results, even if they get a C. He will watch them when they have matches to play at school.

9. Will never tell me goodbye
He said hello for the first time.... but he'll never tell me goodbye. Only see you.

10. Will never leave me till death do us part
.......he will never. We will still tell I love you(s) when we get old. We'll still watch movies together. We'll still have fine dinners. We'll play with our grown up kids. We'll still do things together...

So answer this question:
What will your future husband/wife be like?
Like usual, answer it on the 'comments'. :)

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

kata sifat (keiyoushi)

 Hello, bloggers :) . i'm back again :* hahaha
gw mau posting "kata sifat" dalam bahasa "JEPANG" .
nih post udh cukup lama gw save tpi blum gw posting :p, because gw lage belajar bahsa JEPANG di Facebook .  :3

okey, cekidot ya :D

kata sifat (keiyoushi dan keiyoudoushi)

kata sifat dalam bhsa jepang ada 2:

1. kata sifat bentuk I (keiyoushi),biasa disebut i keiyoushi
yaitu kata sifat yg berakhiran -i
contohnya :
atsu(i) = panas
samu(i) = dingin
atataka(i) = hangat
fuka(i) = dalam
nemu(i) = ngantuk
utsukushi(i) = cantik,indah
dll lah bnyak bnget soalnya

2. kata sifat bentuk II (keiyoudoushi),biasa disebut na keiyoushi
yaitu kata sifat yg berakhiran ~na
kirei na = cantik
suki na = suka
genki na = sehat
shizuka na = sepi,tenang

biasanya memakai pola kalimat : ~ ga (kata sifat)


tenki ga ii = cuaca nya bagus
tenki ga atsui = cuaca nya panas
hana ga kirei = bunga indah
ki ga takai = pohon tinggi

untuk formal nya ditambahkan "desu" pada akhir katanya

tenki ga ii desu
hana ga kirei desu

-bentuk negatifnya

1. untuk kata sifat I , hilangkan "i" diakhir kalimat trus ditambahin "kunai"

atsui => hilangkan "i" nya jadi "atsu" + kunai => atsukunai(tidak panas)
hiroi => hilangkan "i" nya jadi "hiro" + kunai => hirokunai (tidak lebar/luas)

untuk bentuk formalnya dipergunakan "ku arimasen"

atsui => atsuku arimasen
hiroi => hiroku arimasen

2. untuk kata sifat II , hilangkan "na" trus diganti dengan "dewa nai" ato "ja nai"

genki na => hilangkan "na" jadi "genki" + ja nai => genki janai (tidak sehat)
kirei na => hilangkan "na" jadi "kirei" + ja nai => kirei janai(tidak cantik)

untuk bentuk formalnya dipergunakan "dewa arimasen"

genki na => genki dewa arimasen
kirei na => kirei dewa arimasen

-bentuk lampau nya

1. untuk kata sifat I , hilangkan "i" diakhir kalimat trus ditambahin "katta"

atsui => hilangkan "i" nya jadi "atsu" + katta => atsukatta(panas-lampau)
hiroi => hilangkan "i" nya jadi "hiro" + katta => hirokatta (lebar/luas - lampau)

2. untuk kata sifat II , hilangkan "na" trus diganti dengan "datta" ato "deshita"

genki na => hilangkan "na" jadi "genki" + datta => genki datta (sehat - lampau)
kirei na => hilangkan "na" jadi "kirei" + datta => kirei datta (cantik - lampau)

- bentuk negatif lampau nya

1. untuk kata sifat I , hilangkan "i" diakhir kalimat trus ditambahin "kunakatta"

atsui => hilangkan "i" nya jadi "atsu" + kunakatta => atsukunakatta (tidak panas - lampau)
hiroi => hilangkan "i" nya jadi "hiro" + kunakatta => hirokunakatta (tidak lebar/luas - lampau)

untuk bentuk formalnya dipergunakan "ku arimasen deshita"

atsui => atsuku arimasen deshita
hiroi => hiroku arimasen deshita

2. untuk kata sifat II , hilangkan "na" trus diganti dengan "dewa nakatta" ato "ja nakatta"

genki na => hilangkan "na" jadi "genki" + ja nakatta => genki ja nakatta (tidak sehat - lampau)
kirei na => hilangkan "na" jadi "kirei" + ja nakatta => kirei ja nakatta (tidak cantik - lampau)

untuk bentuk formalnya dipergunakan "dewa arimasen deshita"

genki na => genki dewa arimasen deshita
kirei na => kirei dewa arimasen deshita

source : Belajar Bahasa Jepang - Nihongo o Benkyoushimasu (on facebook)

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

haemophilia ? hell no !

haduh. gatau gimana ya, gw merasa ada yg ga beres sama tubuh gw sekarang. maksudnya, tubuh gw yg dulu bukan tubuh gw yg sekarang. bingung yah ?

mari kita recall beberapa taun dulu pas gw masih kecil.

kurang lebih umur 10 lah yah, gw itu gembul, ya ampun, sehat walafiat. kaga kekurangan gizi, kaga kekurangan asupan makanan, secara gw demen bgt makan, kaga peduli sama berat badan. dulu juga, gw itu rajinnnnnya amit2. all im chasing is a rank, dedication of being a smart student. dulu *lagi*, gw nurut bgt sama ortu, apa2 yg dibilang sama ortu, gw lakuin deh. dan yg paling penting, dulu gw ga sakit2an !

oh yeah 4 years had passed. gw berubah dong pastinya. sekarang liatlah badan gw; peyot, yah ga peyot2 amat, bukan bukan ! maksudnya bukan kaya nenek2 gitu. maksudnya, gw kurus banyak. gw ga segembul yang dulu lagi. sekarang, gw mualeeees bgt, cuek bebek. sekarang, gw sangat melawan ortu gw. well, adolescense is not that greedy.

semua itu ga seberapa lah ya, yang satu ini, affect me a lot. gw sakit.

pertama, gw udah kena endometriosis. jangan tanya ke gw penyakit apaan itu ! try GOOGLE. dan kalo lo baca post gw yang mengakui kalo gw sakit beginian, jangan diungkit2 ya. bukannya apa, im definitely sick and weak, but i dont wanna be treated like i am sick, i aint an abnormal. gw beranggapan penyakit gw ini udah cukup serius dan berat buat ditanganin, tapi sekarang, nambah lagi ! ya ampun.

gw ga ngerti penyakit apaan ini. gejala2nya ? gw rentan sama benturan. kena kepentok sedikit, langsung memar, biru tanpa alasan gitu. ga cuma rentan sama benturan, gw juga rentan sama senggolan. wkwkwk. maksud gw, dicubit pelan, ato dijotos pelan, gw langsung sakit. yah ga seberapa sih sakitnya, tp yah, terkesan 'aduh ini baru dijotos dikit aja uda ngeringis sakit letoy amat.' lalu, gw juga sering pusing, bukan sekedar pusing. pening + kleyengan lah rasanya. pusat rasa sakitnya tuh di bagian belakang kepala, tepatnya bagian atasnya. mulai dari situ deh nyebar kedepan. bisa kambuh sendiri, bisa ilang sendiri. disaat badan gw ga knapa2 aja bisa kaya gitu. ada lagi, belom abis nih. gw juga orangnya lemes bgt, padahal gw itu sehat. ngerasa cape, padahal ga ngerjain apa2. setiap gw ngaca, gw selalu ngeliat gw pucet. kalo masalah maag gw itu uda bisa dimaklumi, nah yang ini ? astaga.

gw juga barusan browsing, dan kata bokap gw sih, gw kekurangan darah. memar tanpa sebab, gampang capek, pusing. bokap gw juga mau ngacak gw cityscan kepala gw. tapi gw gamau. buang2 duit, kasian bokap gw yang uda ngebayarin setiap gw cek USG.

i am okay.

semoga gw ga kenapa2 yah ? tapi walaupun gw kenapa2, i am okay, no need to worry :D

nightmare fairytale ?

you're falling, you're screaming, you're stuck in the same old nightmare

nah inilah nightmare gw. semua berhubungan dengan kematian. kematian. dan kematian.

semaleman gw ga bisa tidur, karna ada sesuatu, yah, yg menghancurkan semua harapan gw yg sengaja gw bangun *lho* selama seminggu ini. gw nyadar dia ga suka cara gw. dan semuanya jadi ancur sekarang. udahlah, hopeless.

kita mulai yuk. semalem gw nangis. lagi, nice dra. padahal gw udah berjanji ga bakalan nangis ! dasar hatinya bandel. gw nangis karna gw ngerasa kata2 itu ditujukan buat gw. sigh. untungnya ada suara rame tv yg menghibur gw pelan2. akhirnya berenti deh nangisnya.

lalu gw bobo, dan gw lupa doa ! udah 3 hari gw lupa doa mulu. ampun Tuhan hiks. soalnya uda ngantuk bgt. jadilah gw tidur jem stgh 1.

disana gw mimpi, entah mulainya darimana yah, pokoknya tiba2, gw sama bonyok gw tiba2 naik semacam pesawat keluar dari bumi. dari jauh, gw bisa ngeliat bumi itu kinclong2. ternyata si cupid yg lagi reparasi sesuatu disitu. ga lama gitu yah, tiba2 gw punya 2 pilihan. semacam wishes. disana pun ada pilihan nya, milih si sasa mati, ato mike yg mati. nahloooh. gw bingung. akhirnya, gw matiin aja 22nya. soalnya, daripada kalo sasa ditinggal mike nangis, mike ditinggal sasa juga nangis, gw matiin aja 22nya. *devil's laugh*

ntah kenapa, cupid (nama samaran) jadi temen gw. dia ngikutin gw terus sama bonyok gw. disitu cupid bilang, karna gw udah ngelakuin hal yg baik *baik apanya ! lol !*, gw dapet satu permintaan lagi. tapi 11nya pilihan cuma : gw mati. gw punya waktu 2 menit lagi buat hidup. oh gosh 2 menit T.T akhirnya gw bilang sama si cupid, ga bisa dibiarin yah pilihannya ? maksudnya, ga gw ambil. dia bilang ga bisa. so, mau ga mau gw ambil dan menghabiskan 2 menit itu.

you know, menjalani 2 menit itu rasanya berat bgt. nykb gw nanya, kenapa km matiin sasa sama mike, dan gw jawab seperti diatas itu. pas gw jawab pertanyaan nykb gw, terngiang2 di pala gw, waktu gw tinggal 1 menit 2 detik. gw sama bonyok gw naik tangga, semacam tangga darurat gitu. pas sampe lantai atas, waktu gw tinggal 5 detik. pas gw lompat ke atas lantai, gw ngeliat nykb gw, lalu gw lgsg tergeletak. yeah, im game over.

gw pertama mikir, heyy ini mimpi. dimana2 mau gw mati di dalam mimpi yah ga ngerasain apa2, rasanya kaya tidur. tapi ini beda ! beda !

know what, gw bener2 ngerasain nyesek. gw ga bernyawa, disaat gw tidur pun, gw ngerasa ga bernyawa. akhirnya gw langsung panas dingin, trus bangun. ngeliat jam, baru jam stgh 7. then i began to cry over again. lalu gw denger iPod, buka hape, ol fb. huwee, tadinya gw pingin nyoba tidur lagi, tapi ga bisaaa ! akhirnya gw cuma berbengong ria deh sampe jam stgh 8 gw ol di lappy.

gila yah, gw kaget bgt loh. rasanya itu disuruh Tuhan gw mimpi kaya gitu, biar gw ga bandel2 pingin mati ini itu. hiii, gw jadi insaf. huks. gw ga mau mati cepet2. tunggu dipanggil Tuhan aja. disana gw juga langsung ngerasain gw dikubur dalam tanah. T.T hiks. gw takut bgt. maafin anakmu Tuhan.

seminggu ini gw juga ga nyadar gw itu tidur. hahaha, maksudnya, gw itu tidur, tapi gak pules sama sekali. mau gw cape jungkir balik segala macem, gw selalu ngerasa gw tidur tapi kaya ga tidur. ngambang di aer, seperti itulah yaa. dan sudah seminggu ini juga gw insomnia a a a a ~ gara2 kebanyakan pikiran. huuuh sebel bgt dah gw.

tp by the way, kok bisa begitu yah ? it seems like living in a fairytale world, isn't it ? ada cupid nya pula :D

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011


Yellow Zebra

hello readers ! but now it's holiday time an i really enjoy this momment.

"Yellow Zebra" i dunno but this words came into my brain then i used it for this post hahaha. This photos are taken by my friend, his name is Dwiputra he studying about photography well i love his shoot. and my partner is Cecil from.I Can Get Used To This. she's one of my bestfriends and also my partner in crime LMAO.

Well, on this 14th-19th Jan i will having a flight to Bali ihiyyy. HELOOOOO BALIIIIII! Honestly, i will go for vacation and my sister's wedding. This month gonna be the most enjoyable month ever! why? cause i'll go to Bali for Vacation ans Sis's wedding and i'm going to have my composite soon, it's about composite for Modelling hahaha and on 28th-30th Jan i'm going to Singapore for "Super Show 3 Singapore" with my Mom and Cecili too. Super Show 3 is a concert of SuperJunior. Do you know them? hahaha they're a korean boyband that their popularity is same as international i'm one of the fans too. Big fans of it LOL. 

ALERT !! Some of our "Labilness" LMAO, we are too Alay and too Labiy isnt it? hahahha LMFAO!

hahahha well, we are so ALAY and LABIL right? hahahaha see you next post with my new pose of Alayness LOL. Goodbye, have a nice holiday! :)

outfits: yuan zebra top - unbranded short jeans - unbranded yellow stocking - pull and bear boots - cotton on glasses